GDPR & DPA (UK) Awareness

GDPR has set the gold standard for data protection and is the buzz word across the globe. The violations are very serious that certain GDPR violations may result in fines of up to €20 Million or 4% of global revenue (whichever is higher). That is a lot of money for any organization to lose. Use our comprehensive course to prepare you and your employees for GDPR compliance.
Course Highlights

Fully Customizable

Highly Engaging




Platform Highlights

Branded Portal

Simplified Authentication
(SAML 2 SSO, LDAP and OAuth)
Hassle-Free Integration with REST API

Flexible Delivery
– SaaS, SCORM or LTI
Automated Reminders

Advanced Reporting
Course Topics

– Data Subject, Data Controller, Data Processor
GDPR Overview
– Geographical Scope, Financial Scope, Fines & Penalties, One-stop shop
Personal Data & Special Categories of Data

Data Protection Principles

Data Processing Stages

Rights of Data Subjects

Data Protection
– Obligations and Reporting Violations
Privacy by Design

Privacy Impact Assessments

Reporting Data Protection Violations